
At The High Impact Mindset Co, we specialize in helping busy professionals discover more joy and passion in their lives.

We understand that life can get overwhelming, and it can be easy to get caught up in the daily grind.

That’s why we’re here to help. Our coaching platform is designed to give you the tools you need to make positive changes in your life.

Achieve exceptional
results with a mindset coach.

We take a no-nonsense approach to coaching, cutting through the fluff and getting straight to the heart of the matter. Our high-impact coaching method is designed to help you make real progress in a short amount of time. We work with you to identify your goals and create a plan to achieve them. Whether you’re looking to improve your career, find more fulfillment in your personal life, or simply feel more energized and motivated, we’re here to help.

Our coaches are experienced professionals who are passionate about helping others. We believe that everyone has the potential to live a fulfilling and rewarding life, and we’re committed to helping you unlock that potential. If you’re ready to take the first step towards a happier and more fulfilling life, we invite you to join our coaching program today.

There is a program that’s right for you.

60-Minute Breakthrough Session

This intensive coaching session is designed to provide you with immediate insights and strategies to overcome current obstacles. You’ll walk away with a clear action plan and renewed confidence to tackle your goals head-on.

Perfect for busy professionals, this session zeroes in on your most pressing issue. Gain clarity, actionable steps, and a focused plan to tackle your challenges head-on and achieve rapid results

One-on-One Coaching Packages

Our 1:1 Coaching is a personalized experience tailored to meet your unique goals and challenges. By applying for this one-on-one coaching packages, you get an opportunity to work closely with a dedicated coach who will provide you with individualized attention, bespoke strategies, and continuous support.

This format is perfect for those seeking a transformative and deeply personal coaching journey, focused on achieving specific outcomes.

Group Coaching

Join our Group Coaching sessions to connect with others on a similar growth journey. In these sessions, you’ll benefit from the shared experiences, insights, and support of a group, all under the guidance of a professional coach.

This collaborative environment fosters a sense of community and accountability, making it ideal for those who thrive in interactive settings and seek both personal and collective advancement.

Corporate Packages

Our Corporate Packages are specially designed to cater to the needs of businesses and organizations. These packages focus on enhancing team dynamics, leadership skills, and overall employee well-being.

Tailored to align with your company’s specific objectives, our corporate coaching programs offer an effective way to invest in your team’s professional development, boost productivity, and cultivate a positive workplace culture.


Happy Clients

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“What the Business Breakthrough helped me with the most was being able to identify exactly what was holding me back. Trying wasn’t enough…I needed to figure out why things just seemed to repeat themselves over and over again. Now I am on track to actually accomplish my goals and I have more clarity than ever before!“
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“I have been doing personal development for years and have grown a lot as a person, but for some reason I felt like I should be improving at a faster rate than I was. With Carissa’s help I have been able to overcome the overwhelm of being a new mom and still be successful in my career.“
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“Although on paper it looked like I had it all, I was really struggling internally with my thoughts about myself. I would have some progress and then slide backwards. I felt defeated at the end of each day, not being able to balance motherhood and work. Now I am confident in myself like never before and feel I can do anything!“
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“Carissa is the absolute best coach and I am so grateful to have found her. After working with her for just a couple of short months, I’ve made more progress than I saw in over a year with another high-ticket coach I worked with – truly, this is not an exaggeration. She allowed me to uncover pieces of myself I had kept hidden for decades, to come back to my inner knowing, and to powerfully create actionable plans for my future, fully confident in my next steps for both life and career.
Years experience
why work with The High Impact Mindset Co.

What We Are About

Impactful Transformation

We’re here to help you make huge leaps in your life. Imagine transforming in ways that leave you and everyone around you saying, “Wow!”.

Simplifying the Complex

Ever felt overwhelmed by all those heavy, hard-to-grasp concepts out there? We get it, and we’re here to make things a whole lot simpler. Our goal is to take those big ideas and break them down into easy, practical steps that fit right into your busy schedule.

Real Solutions for Real People

We know you’re not just sitting around with nothing to do. That’s why we’ve designed tools that real, busy professionals like you can actually use. No fluff, no filler – just solid, effective strategies that work in the real world.

A Future of Success and Abundance

We’re not just dreaming of a brighter future for you – we’re making it happen. With our guidance, you’ll be unlocking levels of success and abundance you might not have thought possible.

Your Path, Your Pace

Everyone’s journey is unique, and we respect that. Whether you’re taking baby steps or giant leaps, we’re right there with you, cheering you on every step of the way.

Your Transformation Awaits